Prayer Dreams: Chapter 1
By Leah F.
“So that’s why Jesus died for our sins.”
I sat still, pondering what Mr. Rwatt had just told me. Was he serious? I
was just getting used to this Christian thing, and all of a sudden he
throws this in. Now I am confused.
“But why would he die for me, Mr. Rwatt? And how could he die if you
said he was God? You told me God couldn’t die. And now you’re telling me
that he did?”
I looked at my teacher. He was a man in his fifties, with white hair. I
watched put his hands into his pockets, as he did when he thought.
“Well I was going to wait until tomorrow to tell you this, but, three days later he rose again.”
I looked in Mr. Rwatt’s eyes and I could tell he meant every single
word. Then I breathed in, and asked the question I had wanted to ask
ever since I met Mr. Rwatt.
“Mr. Rwatt could you make my mom a Christian? I mean, I know she stopped
believing when she divorced my dad and then my sister moved away with
him, but could you make her change her mind? You made me a Christian.
Couldn’t you do the same for her?”
Mr. Rwatt pondered for a minute then stated, “I don’t know, Pete, I just don’t know.”
I said goodbye, then left. I really wanted to go to heaven with my mom.
She’s so nice when it comes to other things, but she divorced Dad when
he told her one more story about God, Jesus’ story. She couldn’t believe
it. She yelled. She denied it. And only being three, I didn’t
understand. She told Dad she never wanted to hear his voice or anything
about God again. Soon they divorced and I never have seen or heard Dad
again. And my sister couldn’t part with him so she went with him. I
really miss her.
I walked the next two blocks slowly. If I understood the Jesus story
better maybe I could tell Mom the story. Would she get mad at me?
When I got home, my mom greeted me with a smile.
“Hi honey, what did Mr. Rwatt teach you today? How to treat family? How about why you shouldn’t lie?”
Lying. That’s what I’d been doing. Mom thinks I go to Mr. Rwatt’s to learn manners and that kind of stuff.
“Ummm, he told me why it’s important to believe in your-self.”
“Splendid, absolutely splendid! Now come and wash your hands, we are
having Chinese food! I can taste it now, Chicken with fried rice.” She
left for the kitchen.
I walked to my room and into my private bathroom. Mom was in such a
cheery mood, and I just couldn't risk losing it by bringing up Jesus.
Because if she wasn't happy, she was mad, I mean MAD. I just can’t stand
it when Mom gets mad. So I dropped the subject.
Dinner went by slowly like usual. Mom talks so much she can’t seem to
stop. She talks about her day and how her “darling” pansies are doing. I
look her in the eye so she knows I’m listening or thinks she knows I’m
listening. I am really thinking about what Mr. Rwatt said. How could he
be right? How could he be wrong? I can’t answer either question.
“So Mrs. Peters told Ms Save who told me and I told Mrs. Billt. I can’t
believe how far this story has gone! I mean, I was like the fiftieth
person to be told. I wonder if anyone else will re-tell me. What do you
“Um, can I be excused?” I wanted to go to my quiet room. I love my mom and all, but she can get annoying.
“Of course Honey. I've been over talking again haven’t I?” Oh dear me, I must really quit doing that. O-“
“You’re doing it again, Mom”
“Oh, sorry. You are excused.”
“Thanks, Mom.” I left the table went to bed. It was eight-thirty. Bed
time Mom always said. Shouldn't ten year olds go to bed at ten?
Mom came to my room and smiled at me, “Turn off your lights. I know you
want to stay, up but the answer is no.” And she left with a wink.
I knelt down and did a different prayer than normal, “Dear Lord, All I
ask is for you to show me why you died. Amen” And with that I climbed
into bed and fell asleep, thinking I would have a normal day after a
pleasant sleep.

Saturday, January 11, 2014
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