
Friday, June 27, 2014

The Race of Life, By E. Kay

The Race of Life

By E. Kay

Chapter 1

            I thought that I was the only one running the race until I truly looked around. There were people running tons of twisting, intermingling, difficult courses, but there was only one starting line and one finish line. Then I understood why people would come running up, stay with me for a while, and then run away from me. When I looked back at my course, I saw that there was a blinking line for me to follow. As I ran, there were times I could hardly see it and I struggled to follow it. Other times, the line was as clear as day and the light from it was all I could see. Most times, the line was distinguishable, but you could see things that tempted you to abandon the race in pursuit of it.
            Many times I’ve run towards that thing. While the thing wasn’t bad in itself, it drew me away from my race. Each time I left my course, I met three groups of people. One were those who said that they were running, but they obviously weren’t. Another were those who knew that there was a race, knew they weren’t running, and didn’t care. The final group were those who didn’t even know there was a race. It shocked me to realize that I used to be in one of these groups. That I used to say I was running, but all that was running was my mouth. Every time this happened, I would sprint back to my designated course and run for the finish line.
            You, too, are in one of the four groups. Do you even know that there’s a race? Do you even care? The scariest group to be in is the one where you delude yourself and others into believing you are running. Or, are you honestly running as you would if you wanted first place?


Chapter 2

            Life is a race and everyone is doing something. You are either running or are on the sidelines. There is a prize for those who run, but for those who don’t even enter the race, there is nothing but rejection. Entering the race costs you your life, but the price has already been paid for you. Your coach has paid with his life so that you could run. He just wants you to enter the race. He will teach you as you go. He teaches all of us.
            When I first started running, I had no idea how to. I tripped. I stumbled. I fell. But I understood what my coach had paid to get me in so I always got up and ran again. Along the way, he has guided me and taught me. There were times that I couldn’t hear him, but I pressed on and learned even more. It was worth it all when I heard his praise. It was what kept me running.
            You too can learn how to run. The price has been paid. All you have to do is accept that and run. Run for the finish line and all that lies in store for you there. You will mess up. You will leave the course. But what matters is that you remember the price your coach paid and keep running. Don’t give up, press on.


Chapter 3

            There will be struggles as you run. Rocks will trip you, people will mock you, and you will doubt yourself. Don’t let any of that hinder you. I have fallen on my face many times before and yet I’m still running despite the laughter and scrapes. There is so much we have to learn and sometimes the best we can do is to learn from mistakes that have been made in the past. Trust your coach. He knows what’s best for you. He will teach you as you are avoiding rocks and he will teach you as you are on a smooth stretch. Learn from him and do as he says. I can’t tell you how many times he has helped me through a tough spot.
            You will have internal struggles as well as external. My worst one was if I was even worthy to run. Who was I and was I good enough to deserve the sacrifice that my coach had made for me? He told me who I was and strengthened me to carry on. Because of him and his sacrifice and love I am forgiven. I am set free. Loved, desired, worth the world to him. He told me who he intended me to be. An encourager to the hopeless, a friend to the friendless, a sister to those who are in him, an author to tell of his love, a girl who strengthens all who know her, a light in a dark world.
            You have a purpose too. You are forgiven and freed. Trust your coach through your struggles. Rely on him and he will help you through the rocky parts, the ridicule and the doubt. Lean on him and he will guide you and strengthen you and  help you see and fulfill your purpose.
